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How to Get Rid of Back Pain on Your Period

how to get rid of back painIf you're suffering from chronic back pain, then we know that you're willing to try almost anything to find a successful stiff back treatment option.

However, you're unsure as to whether or not the sudden adjustments — and the expenses — of chiropractic care is truly right for you. You're also nervous about getting on pain management medication for long periods of time.

If you want to know how to get rid of back pain through unconventional but no less effective methods?

You've come to the right place.

Keep on reading this post to learn a few of the best and most unexpected ways to banish back pain for good.

1. Stretch Your Hamstrings

While yoga stretches like downward dog and the cat stretch are helpful when it comes to learning how to get rid of back pain through stretching?

Believe it or not, your hamstrings and the tension that builds up inside of them are also responsible for causing you aches and pains.

This is because your hamstrings are directly linked to your lower back and your sacroiliac joints. So, when they're too tight, your back will be as well.

Check out this list of safe and effective hamstring stretches that people of any fitness level can quickly master.

Stretching is a great stiff back treatment that you can do on your own time, without even having to make an appointment with your chiropractor.

2. Try CBD Oil

One of the best herbal remedies for back pain might not be what you initially expect. But not only is CBD oil legal, it's also incredibly effective.

CBD oil has long been heralded as an effective pain management tool, and it's an excellent alternative for those who may be nervous about the potential addictive side effects of prescription medication.

It works by latching onto your body's natural endocannabinoid system — the part of your brain responsible for controlling your reaction to pain.

Think of CBD oil as a "boost" to your endocannabinoid production, so that you get long-lasting relief in a natural way. Learn more about how CBD oil can help you to manage back pain on the Denver CBD Co. website.

3. Take a Water Aerobics Class

It's no secret that getting enough exercise (and, as we mentioned above, stretching afterward) is the best way to keep your back strong and flexible.

But especially if you're out of shape, a bit older, or have medical conditions that can make more traditional routes of exercise more of a challenge for you?

We suggest that you give water aerobics a try.

First of all, it's a low-impact workout, meaning it's perfect for beginners and even those whose excess body weight and fat are responsible for putting pressure on the back.

It also applies gentle hydrostatic pressure to your muscles and body, so that your muscles will get enough blood flow. This helps you to treat back pain.

Plus, because of the buoyancy of water aerobic activity, you'll be able to achieve a much greater range of motion than you would when working out on land. This means you can stretch deeper and for longer without the risk of injury.

Even better?

Water aerobics and even light swimming can help you master how to get rid of back pain while also lowering your blood pressure and even giving you relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

4. Give Hypnosis a Shot

Hypnosis is quickly becoming one of the most popular — and the most unconventional — stiff back treatments.

This is because, for many, back pain is actually caused by emotional stress and triggers.

When you're tense, whether it's about a relationship, your job, or even related to depression or anxiety, you're likely to hold that tension in your body. This leads to poor posture, clenches shoulders, and even exhaustion due to back pain.

And when your pain is so intense that you can barely leave your home?

The isolation associated with stress and anxiety will only make you feel worse.

Try hypnosis to address the underlying causes of this anxiety. You may be surprised by how well it works for you.

5. Strengthen Your Core

Did you know that your core — AKA the area around your abdomen and stomach — plays a serious role in your overall posture?

When you think about it, it makes sense.

Your body relies on your core to pull you up, keep you upright throughout the day, and using muscles to take the pressure off of your lower back and spine.

So, a weak core means that you'll likely need to hunch or slouch in order to get comfortable.

Especially if you work a job where you're seated for long periods of time, developing core strength can help you to avoid things like computer neck and shoulder pain.

We suggest switching out your desk chair to an exercise ball, or even doing a few simple ab workouts the next time that you hit the gym.

You'll be shocked by just how much of a difference engaging your core can have not just on your posture, but on your back pain levels as well.

How to Get Rid of Back Pain: Wrapping Up

This post has hopefully taught you that there are many different ways to learn how to get rid of back pain.

No matter which one you decide on, we know that you want to do it in a safe and effective way.

And once you have a handle on your back pain?

You'll likely want to learn more about other ways to improve your health and, by extension, your life. Keep checking back with us for more healthy tips and tricks.

How to Get Rid of Back Pain on Your Period
